Hey Fighters!

It’s been a while, we know. You’re wondering what’s going on with the development of FINAL FURY and we appreciate your patience. So, here’s the deal:

Building a Better VR Fighting Game

For the past six months, we’ve been heads-down, making some massive changes to FINAL FURY. We’re talking a complete overhaul of the game’s core systems, mechanics, and overall feel. Here’s a quick tale of the tape:

  • New Combat System: We’ve redesigned the combat UI, removing distracting elements that detract from the fight, putting you more in control and in the moment. The orbs are gone in favour of landing direct blows guided by your own hands!
  • Multiplayer Improvements: We rewrote the networking code based on beta feedback. Our goal: Allow you to play with fighters from different regions without a hitch.
  • Physical Impact: We’ve focused on making the fighters feel more physical. Animations are now more impactful, making you feel like you’re really in the fight. When you land a hit, you’ll know your opponent feels it.

When it comes to creating an arcade-style fighting game, having the right feel is incredibly important. We’ve taken that time to do this right—to make sure that every part of FINAL FURY feels fresh and exciting. It’s been a lot of work, no doubt, but the results are what matter.

Seb, Game Design Director

What’s Coming Next

Here’s our promise to you: We’ll be dropping new content regularly as we build up to something really special in a couple of months. Here’s what’s coming:

  • Regular Updates: We’ll start sharing updates more often, with behind-the-scenes tours, dev insights, and deeper looks at FINAL FURY’s fight card.
  • Community Fun: We’re planning some cool community events and Q&A sessions with the dev team. We want to keep you in the loop and get your feedback!
  • Big Reveal: All of this is leading up to something cool. Trust us, it’s gonna be awesome!

You folks mean the world to us, and we’ve been working hard to make sure FINAL FURY lives up to your expectations. We can’t wait to show you what we’ve been up to and hear what you think.

Rob, Producer

Join the FINAL FURY Leagu… (We mean, Discord)!

So there you have it folks!

We’re shaking the cobwebs off and lacing up our fighting boots! This is just the start of us, reconnecting with you. We’ve got more blogs coming that’ll dive deeper into the new features, character designs, and the revamped combat system.

As we gear up, drop in and jump into the chat to share your thoughts and hype. Your feedback is super important as we move forward. We want to know what YOU are interested in seeing, so don’t be shy, let’s go on this journey together!

Thanks so much for sticking with us. Stay tuned and keep fighting!