KD-404 was built by BABYLON to be the soldier of the future—an automaton capable of harnessing the full potential of Vygor to neutralize any interstellar threat. Despite a promising start to the project, its viability was thrown into question when an inexplicable “glitch” in their programming—made worse by the overexposure to Vygor—resulted in erratic behaviors that made them unfit for combat. They were ultimately abandoned, left to rust in an unmarked scrap heap on the barren wastelands of Zemek.
That would have been the end too, had it not been for that same glitch that kept their core processes barely functioning. Painstakingly, KD-101 reconstructed themselves with any parts they could find.
KD-404 became a shell of their former self—a machine once built for battle, now condemned to a meaningless existence. Faced with this stark reality, they embarked on a journey across the stars, seeking a chance to rekindle their original purpose: to fight.
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